In November, we referred to an event in March in the hope that the pandemic would have disappeared to such an extent that attendance events would be possible again. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Therefore, the planned meeting aiming to a re-evaluation of the Wittenberg events of 1521/22 will not take place. … [Read more...]
Portrait of Karlstadt and his wife?
The article "What's in a Face" can now also be read in Essays. The question of whether Andreas Bodenstein, called Karlstadt and his wife Anna von Mochau were painted by Cranach is still the subject of academic research. More information on this can be found in this online article. … [Read more...]
25 December 1521 – the first German evangelical mass
500 years ago, on Dec. 25th 1521, Karlstadt performed the first evangelical mass in German language at the Schlosskirche Wittenberg, wearing secular clothes instead of his priest's habit. As part of this mass he also officially celebrated the Lord's supper in both forms in the presence of hundreds of Wittenberg people … [Read more...]
Conference in March 2022: “Rebellious Movement or First Urban Reformation”
Together with the Verein für Reformationsgeschichte and Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Thomas Kaufmann, FBA, the Karlstadt Critical Edition project invites you to a conference that will take place from 17-19 March 2022 at the Leucorea in Wittenberg. With the theme: “Wittenberg 1521/22: Rebellious Movement or First … [Read more...]
4th volume of Karlstadt Critical Edition will be published in Spring 2022
The fourth volume of the Complete Critical Edition of Karlstadt's Letters and Writings (KGK IV) will be published in Spring 2022. It includes texts from the decisive year of 1521, when Luther was at the Wartburg and Karlstadt worked with Philipp Melanchthon on the practical implementation of reform in Wittenberg. At … [Read more...]