- Karlstadt liest Tauler. Lecture given by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bubenheimer at Evangelisches Predigerseminar in Wittenberg on 16.06.1987
- Sidelining of a Reformer. Written by Thomas Kaufmann, Translation by Peter Matheson.
- Farewell from Junker Jörg. Written by Thomas Kaufmann, Translation by Peter Matheson.
- They’re only in it for the cash. Written by Ulrich Bubenheimer and Alejandro Zorzin, translation by Peter Matheson.
- Gelassenheit and Detachment. Lecture held by Ulrich Bubenheimer in Karlstadt/Main on November 15, 1980 on occasion of the 500th birthday of Andreas Bodenstein.
- What’s in a face. Short essay written by Alejandro Zorzin around pictures of Lucas Cranach the Elder showing probably Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt and Anna of Mochau
- Ten years of Karlstadt edition. Lecture by Thomas Kaufmann from January 2022, translation by Alejandro Zorzin.